
Six Month Smiles


Invisalign Case 1

Invisalign Case 2

Teeth Whitening

These pictures show the result of whitening treatment to lighten the patient's teeth followed by the use of white filling material to mask the cracks in the teeth.

When this patient first came to see Lucy she spoke with her hand covering her mouth. She was embarrassed of how her teeth looked. Years of grinding her teeth had left them flat and worn. Lucy promised she could smile again and after whitening her teeth, Lucy built them back up with a tooth coloured material. The patient was delighted and no longer covers her mouth when she speaks!
Black Triangle Treatment

'Black Triangles' are usually as a result of gum recession. As the gum recedes (often linked to gum disease), it creeps down, away from the tooth, leaving the tooth in the same position but without the gum support. The recession of the gum leaves a space between the teeth, which is a direct window into the mouth. Just like our houses at night, if there are no lights on then our windows appear black. Unfortunately, our gums don’t grow back! In the case pictured we were able to fill in these ‘windows’ with a white filling material. Just expanding the width of the tooth to replace the loss of gum. It’s a simple procedure. No drilling or injections are involved and it has a big impact on appearance and confidence.
Anti-Wrinkle Treatment & Dermal Fillers

The photos above show how effective facial aesthetics can be. This patient started to notice fine wrinkles appearing on her forehead and between her eyebrows. By using a muscle relaxant we were able to smooth those muscles and if she keeps returning for this treatment, this will prevent those wrinkles getting any deeper.

The photos above are of a patient who was bothered by the fine lines around her top lip and the fact that overall her lips had lost volume. Lucy used filler to plump the outlines of her lip, giving her a more youthful appearance, which she was thrilled with. The 'number 11' frown lines (between the eyebrows) and crows feet can be ageing. With just a small amount of muscle relaxant we can smooth out those lines and restore a more youthful appearance. This is what Lucy did here and the patient was thrilled.

Natural looking lip fillers with Pluryal Volume Dermal Fillers to plump out, reduce lines around the lips and restore lost volume. A beautifully natural looking result.

As the photo shows- there was a dramatic improvement in this ladies facial profile. Her nose had bothered her for years and she was unaware anything could be done about it. However, Lucy placed filler at the bridge of the patients nose and the result was instantaneous. A very happy patient with a nose to be proud of!
In this photo, you can see how careful placement of filler has plumped this ladies cheeks and also lessened the lines/dark areas under her eyes. As we age, we lose collagen in our face and everything starts to 'go south'! To combat this, Lucy carried out two procedures. She injected beneath the skin in the cheek area and tear trough area using a microcannula. Once the filler is in situ it then plumps up the skin from beneath, filling out wrinkles or augmenting facial features. As Lucy is a dentist she was able to use effective dental injections to numb these areas so the treatment was pain free. The effect was instantaneous- this ladies face was rejuvenated and she felt she looked so much younger. The best thing about these procedures is that the effects will only get better over the coming months as the filler will encourage collagen formation.